International Conference on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems

TOMSK, JULY, 01 - 06


Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, G.I. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Hydrometсenter of Russia and A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS organize International Conference on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems ENVIROMIS-2024, July 1-6, 2024, Tomsk, Russia. The conference is held as a part of events dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 270th anniversary of Moscow University.

The conference will be devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressure including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It is aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain.

Presentation and discussion of scientific results in priority areas in Earth sciences within the framework of the Conference will allow participants to consider in detail the current trends in the interaction and dynamics of natural systems, identify climate-forming processes and factors, discuss the development of modern climate models and forecast models, their verification and practical application, and also determine optimal directions for further research and opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Particular attention at the conference will be paid to a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of the environment in Northern Eurasia, especially Siberia and the Arctic, where climate changes are most pronounced. Being the regions whose potential influence on the Earth System operation as a whole is of importance, these regions have attracted the attention of a number of research organizations. Various international programs are actively working here, one of them is Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI). The research results obtained within the framework of this program have been presented at previous ENVIROMIS conferences.

The conference program, consisting of thematic sessions devoted to various aspects of environmental studies, will promote interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists, creating a basis for the study of the Earth system at the global and regional levels.

The conference is planned to be held in person. In some cases, the Program Committee will provide the opportunity to participate online. Working languages at the Conference are English and Russian. During the Conference Sessions simultaneous translation from Russian will be provided. As part of the conference, a competition of young scientists’ reports named after RAS Corresponding Member V.N. Lykosov will be held.


  • #1 Monitoring of climate change in Northern Eurasia
    • Section Conveners: S.G. Kopysov (IMCES SB RAS), V.A. Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section is devoted to modern methods of observation of environmental changes in Northern Eurasia under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, including global climate change.
  • #2 Climate and meteorological modeling
    • Section Conveners: G.A. Platov (ICMMG SB RAS), M.A. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometeorological Center of Russia)
    • An analysis of the results of weather and climate modeling will be presented, in particular, regional atmospheric processes and regional manifestations of global climate change. Reports will be presented on the use of modern models and numerical methods to improve the accuracy of weather forecasting on various time scales.
  • #3 Development of a national climate model
    • Section Convener: A.S. Gritsun (INM RAS)
    • Reports by consortium participants on the creation of a new version of the Earth system model are planned. In particular, the issues of modeling the dynamics of various components of the climate system and integration of their models will be discussed.
  • #4 Structure and dynamics of geophysical boundary layers
    • Section Conveners: I.A. Repina (IAP RAS), E.V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)
    • The section discusses processes in boundary layers of the atmosphere and ocean. Particular attention is paid to turbulent transport and interaction of the atmosphere with the ocean and the active layer of land. The dynamics of stable and convective boundary layers and the interaction of the atmospheric boundary layer with the upper atmosphere are considered. The results of modeling turbulent processes and the development of turbulent closures and parameterizations for Earth system models are discussed.
  • #5 Air composition, pollution transport and climate change
    • Section Conveners: A.V. Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS), A.A. Baklanov (WMO)
    • The section discusses mathematical models and results of experimental studies of the processes of transport and transformation in the atmosphere of various chemical substances having gaseous or aerosols forms. Integrated models of atmospheric dynamics and chemistry will be considered, as well as problems of joint use of models and measurement data, including inverse problems and data assimilation problems. It is planned to discuss the impact of a changing climate on the processes of transport and transformation of impurities and the tasks of assessing risks from the impact of impurities’ sources on the adjacent territories.
  • #6 Response of terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change
    • Section Conveners: T.A. Blyakharchuk (IMCES SB RAS), I.A. Kerchev (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section will present reports on research into the response to ongoing climate changes in ecosystems of the boreal, forest-steppe zones and tundra. We welcome reports on the problems of influence on qualitative, quantitative, functional and spatial changes in forest, swamp and mountain ecosystems and their components as a result of increased frequency of extreme weather conditions, aridization, changes in temperature conditions, melting glaciers and volcanogenic disturbances of the stratosphere. It is also planned to discuss the results of studies of long-term changes that occurred in the pre-instrumental period of observations.
  • #7 Carbon in terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia
    • Section Convener: E.A. Golovatskaya (IMCES SB RAS), I.N. Kurganova (IPCBPSS RAS), E.A. Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section will present reports on the study of carbon fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia, including researches within the framework of the key innovative project of national importance «The national system for monitoring carbon pools and greenhouse gas flows on the territory of the Russian Federation».
  • #8 Processes on the land surface: observations, models and data assimilation
    • Section Conveners: V.Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS), V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU)
    • The section invites presentations on observations and mathematical modeling of thermodynamic, hydrological, biogeochemical and ecosystem processes in the active layer of land, including soils, vegetation, urban landscapes, and in-land water bodies.
  • #9 Extreme climatic events, regional risks and socio-economic impacts
    • Section Convener: E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section will be devoted to assessing regional risks due to climate change. In particular, reports will be presented on the study of the variability of extreme precipitation, droughts and floods, their frequency and localization, as well as the problems associated with increasing the lead time and quality of weather forecasts, the latest advances in the field of numerical weather forecasting, as well as assessments of social and economic risks in regions exposed to these phenomena.
  • #10 Instrumental and information and measuring infrastructure of a regional environmental study
    • Section Convener: A.A. Kobzev (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section will present newly developed instruments and information-measuring systems created on their basis, which allow monitoring the state of the environment over large areas in real time and transmitting data through telecommunication networks to a single center for processing and archiving observational data.
  • #11 Information computational infrastructure of a regional environmental study
    • Section Convener: E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section will be devoted to a discussion of the availability of data and their formats used in geosciences, methods of data exchange, as well as developed information and computing systems for processing data archives. Applied information and computing systems for solving specific problems of monitoring and modeling environmental changes will be presented.
  • #12 Machine learning in environmental sciences
    • Section Conveners: M.A. Krinitsky (IO RAS), M.I. Varentsov (RCC MSU)
    • Main topics of the section: solving typical Earth science problems using approaches and methods of machine learning and deep learning. The section focuses on the topics of modeling and measuring the characteristics of processes in the ocean and ice cover, atmosphere, land waters, soil, and the interactions between them.
  • #13 Northern Eurasia Future Initiative
    • Section Conveners: P. Groisman (CICESS NCSU USA), E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
    • The section is dedicated to the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI), where special attention is paid to a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of the environment of Northern Eurasia, especially Siberia and the Arctic.

• Practical section

To speakers and listeners

Presentations are scheduled in both oral and poster formats.

Duration of invited presentation — 30 minutes (presentation and questions), oral presentation — 15 minutes (including presentation and questions).

Short oral report — 2 minutes with full presentation of the material in the poster. Poster size — A1 vertical. For a 2-minute presentation of the content of poster presentations, 2 slides should be used (a slide with the title and task and a slide with the results) with further discussion at the stand.

The abstracts and presentations will be published on the conference website. For those who wish to publish articles on the materials of the papers presented at the conference, the publication and subsequent indexing in RSCI of the Conference Proceedings will be organized. Requirements for articles and deadlines for their submission will be posted on the event website.

This year, for the first time at the conference, a contest named after the outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of mathematical modeling of geophysical processes, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Lykosov will be held.

V.N. Lykosov

Corr. RAS,
V.N. Lykosov

The contest is held between young scientists who have presented in person in the nominations "best oral report" and "best poster report". When evaluating the reports, the scientific level, the degree of completion of the work and the relevance of the topic to the scientific interests of V.N. Lykosov are taken into account.

Chairman of the contest jury:

  • Prof. E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)

Contest jury:

  • Ph.D. V.Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS)
  • Prof. RAS A.S. Gritsun (INM RAS)
  • Ph.D. E.A. Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)
  • Ph.D. E.V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)
  • Dr. habil. G.A. Platov (ICMMG SB RAS)
  • Prof. RAS I.A. Repina (IAP RAS)
  • Dr. habil. V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU)
  • Prof. М.А. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)

Results of the competition

According to the jury's decision, the following reports (in alphabetical order) became the winners of the contest:

  1. Oral:
    • Alexander Kozlov (GGO of Roshydromet), “A new scheme of heat and moisture exchange of land with the atmosphere for GGO regional climate models”,
    • Anna Ryazanova (IMCES SB RAS, MSU, TSU), “The role of selection and spatial resolution of hydrophysical characteristics in modeling heat and mass transfer in TerM land active layer model”,
    • Alexey Chernenkov (INM RAS), “New version of the terrestrial carbon cycle module for the Earth System Model of INM RAS”.
  2. Posters:
    • Anna Gvozdeva (MSU, INM RAS), “Mechanism of troposphere-stratosphere interaction during two types of El Niño and La Niña from data of the Russian climate model of INM RAS”,
    • Alexandra Razarenova (IWP RAS, MSU), “Modeling of runoff in the Tom River basin under changing climate conditions”,
    • Roman Samoilov (IAP RAS), “Study of reproducibility of atmospheric circulation regimes of middle latitudes by the Earth System Model of INM RAS”.

The winners will receive a diploma and an invitation to publish the materials of the report in the form of an article in one of the journals:

Program committee

Dr. habil. V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU)
Ph.D. E.A. Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)
Dr. habil. T.A. Blyakharchuk (IMCES SB RAS)
Ph.D. V.Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS)
Dr. habil. E.A. Golovatskaya (IMCES SB RAS)
Prof. E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
Prof. RAS A.S. Gritsun (INM RAS)
Ph.D. I.A. Kerchev (IMCES SB RAS)
Ph.D. A.A. Kobzev (IMCES SB RAS)
Ph.D. S.G. Kopysov (IMCES SB RAS)
Dr. habil. V.A. Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
Ph.D. E.V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)
Dr. habil. A.V. Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS)
Dr. habil. G.A. Platov (ICMMG SB RAS)
Prof. RAS I.A. Repina (IAP RAS)
Prof. М.А. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)
Prof. A.Z. Shvidenko (IIASA)
Prof. A.A. Baklanov (WMO)
Dr. P. Groisman (NCSU)
Ph.D. M.A. Krinitsky (IO RAS)
Ph.D. M.I. Varentsov (RCC MSU)

Organizing Committee

Prof. E.P. Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
Ph.D. V.Yu. Bogomolov (IMCES SB RAS)
Dr. P. Groisman (NCSU)
Ph.D. E.A. Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)
Prof. V.E. Podolsky (MSU, MCFAM)
Dr. habil. V.M. Stepanenko (RCC MSU)
 A.G. Titov (IMCES SB RAS)
Prof. М.А. Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)
 M.S. Yudin (ICMMG SB RAS)
 A.V. Baronov (RCC MSU)
Scientific secretary of the conference
Ph.D. E.Yu. Genina (IMCES SB RAS)
Secretary of the conference
 Yu.E. Gordova (IMCES SB RAS)


The Conference was devoted to the-state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, modeling tools and information technologies for air, water, soil and vegetation cover pollution assessment in integrated information systems aimed at environmental management for industrial areas on city and regional scale. It is aimed at filling a gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain as well as at creating a solid foundation for mitigation of pollution in selected areas.

The Conference has been organized by the Institute of Atmospheric Optics (IAO) SB RAS and Tomsk Scientific Center (TSC) SB RAS and taken place at premises of the both Institutions. The organization and work of the Conference was financially supported by FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Accompanying Measure Support Grant (ICA-CT-2000-60001), by INTAS Conference Monitoring Grant (00-MO-0134) and by a set of national and regional institutions: Presidium of SB RAS, United Scientific Council on Mathematics and Informatics of SB RAS, Administration of Tomsk Region, State Committee on Ecology of Tomsk Region, Tomsk University of Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSYR), IAO, TSC and Institute of Optical Monitoring (IOM) SB RAS.

The multi disciplinary Conference had been run as a set of consequent sessions devoted different aspects of the theme. The list of Session/organizer/chair includes:

  • Opening/Plenary session/ Evgueni Gordov;
  • Special session devoted presentation of the FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Project ISIREMM: /Kurt Fedra and Evgueni Gordov;
  • Session on Observations: local and remote sensors for air, water, soil and vegetation assessment/Yury Arshinov;
  • Session on Remote Sensing/ Anatoly Korikov and Edige Zakarin;
  • Session on GIS and Multi-dimensional databases/ Yury Polishchuk;
  • Session on Urban and Regional Scale Modeling/ Vladimir Penenko;
  • Session on Observations, Modeling and DSS for Environmental Management/Control of Hydrologic Systems in Urbanized and Industrial Areas/ Oleg Vasiliev and Stepan Shwartsev;
  • Session on Assessment of Soil and Vegetation Cover/ Vladislav Vorobiev and Anatoly Dukarev;
  • Session on Information-Computational Systems, Atmosphere and Climate Change Assessment/ Evgueni Gordov;
  • Session on Integrated Information Systems for environment assessment/management/ Kurt Fedra and Alexander Fazliev;
  • Special session: Monitoring of the INTAS projects in Environmental Sciences/ Evgueni Gordov; and
  • Round Table: Urban/Regional Environment state assessment and management/mitigation of pollution/ Ravil' Tukhvatulin.

Three types of papers were delivered at the Conference, namely invited (30 min.), contributed (15 min.) and poster papers. Only papers whose authors were unable to come were presented as posters. An opportunity to put to the absent authors questions by email was organized. During five days of work 25 invited, 73 contributed and 17 poster papers were delivered, which occupied near 45 working hours. Papers were presented from 46 institutions from 11 countries, which includes papers from 33 Russian institutions, from 2 Belarus, 2 Germany and 2 Uzbekistan institutions. Institutions from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan and Romania contributed with 1 paper each. Russian papers present activity of different research and educational centers, namely 9 Tomsk institutions, 7 Novosibirsk and Moscow institutions, 6 S.Petersburg institutions. N.Novgorod, Tumen’, Tver’ and Tambov cities were presented by 1 institutions each. It should be added that developed at the IAO Information Center information system was used in process at the Conference organization which opens to remote users an access to the Conference Program, Abstracts and all relevant information.

Four invited talks of general importance for environmental research and applications were presented at the Opening/Plenary session. Their titles explain the Program Committee choice. They are “On development of the Space Monitoring Center of Siberia (SMCS) and creation of multidisciplinary technologies of monitoring”, “Urban environmental management: integrating monitoring, GIS and simulation modeling”, “Legal aspects of environmental information exchange ” and “Tomsk regional ecological legislation”. Remarkable features of the papers are cooperation of basic science and meteorological service in the first paper, orientation towards end users (administration and population) in the second paper and first hand end user experience in Russian federal and regional environmental legal issues demonstrated in the rest two papers.

At the special session devoted to presentation of the FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Project “ISIREMM: Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring & Management” background information on the Project as well as input of the Partners into its preparation and performance was given in 7 following reports: E.P. Gordov, K. Fedra “General description of the Project”; G.G. Matvienko “IAO activity in environmental studies”; V.V. Penenko “Numerical simulation of trams-regional pollutant transport”; V.P. Kabashnikov Optical tools for air quality monitoring in city and industrial center (IP NASB, Belarus); B.S. Sakhariev “Geo-information system for air quality monitoring in Almaty city” (SRI, Kazakhstan); R.T. Tuckhvatulin “Environmental policy and practices of Tomsk Regional Administration” and E.P. Gordov “ISIREMM and forthcoming projects”. The session also resulted in dissemination of information on EC 5 Framework Programme as a whole.

At the Session on Observations: local and remote sensors for air, water, soil and vegetation assessment 4 invited, 12 contributed and 4 poster papers were delivered. The papers delivered demonstrate mature state of development of remote and local sensors employing modern physics achievements. Usage of both: active and passive optical and acoustical technologies was demonstrated, and impressive results obtained in process of environmental field measurements were described.

At the Session on Remote Sensing 3 invited and 5 contributed papers were delivered. The scope varies from “Problems of space ecology” to technologies of information retrieval from satellite photometry and images with applications to early forest fire detection, to determination of industry affected zones and their correlation with population health. The later paper describes cooperative work of specialists in area of image processing with researchers from Siberian State Medical University.

At the Session on GIS and Multi-dimensional databases 3 invited, 4 contributed and 3 poster papers described results obtained in 3 States (Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan) were delivered. Papers described current level in environmental data storage in the NIS States as well as usage of geo-information systems for regional and urban pollution mapping.

At the Session on Urban and Regional Scale Modeling 2 invited and 9 contributed papers from Belarus, German and Russian institutions were delivered, in which different level advanced numerical models for pollution transport were described. Presented were sophisticated 3D GCM adjusted to consideration of air-vegetation-soil interaction, models of mesoclimate and pollution of cities and industrial regions, 2D models for numerical simulation of pollution propagation in urban boundary layer as well as direct and inverse modeling efforts for monitoring, diagnosis and atmospheric quality prediction. Involvement of former “weapon” scientists from Aerobiology institute into civil area due to grants from ISTC (all in all 4 papers at the Conference) deserve special phrasing.

At the Session on Observations, Modeling and DSS for Environmental Management/Control of Hydrologic Systems in Urbanized and Industrial Areas 2 invited, 3 contributed and 2 poster papers were delivered. In spite of the fact that the session does not present coherent pattern of current situation in the marked by rather general title area (the reason is a change of the Session Chair in process caused by unforeseen by former Chair unavoidable heavy commitments) the Session was useful both for the professional in area and for researchers from neighboring domains.

At the Session on Assessment of Soil and Vegetation Cover 2 invited, 5 contributed and 3 poster papers were delivered. Papers described ways to soils and ecosystem assessment developed by Moscow and Tomsk schools of specialists as well as reported on developed instrumentation for mercury concentration determination which might be very useful at relevant emergencies.

At the Session on Information-Computational Systems, Atmosphere and Climate Change Assessment 3 invited, 5 contributed and 4 poster papers, which accumulated results forming fundamental background for environmental information systems, were delivered. The contributed paper “Development of the atmospheric air quality monitoring in Moscow” should be especially mentioned as atypical for Russia case, when a municipal end user participates in development and usage of air quality monitoring system.

At the Session on Integrated Information Systems for environment assessment/management, which are the ultimate aim of the community, 2 invited, 4 contributed and 1 poster paper were delivered leaving apart the delegated to Plenary session paper on the theme. The both invited papers provided audience with description of environmental systems relying on data from modern local and remote sensors both stationary and mobile (car or aeroplane). Dominated nowadays tendency to rely on Internet as a mass media was illustrated by several papers as well.

At the Special session: Monitoring of the INTAS projects in Environmental Sciences 7 papers describing 7 recently performed and currently run INTAS Projects were delivered instead of previously planned 5 papers. Both the papers reported and subsequent discussion gave to the Projects results a vision and dissemination as well as provided the audience with some useful for future cooperative project preparation hints and “know-how”.

During the Round Table: “Urban/Regional Environment state assessment and management/mitigation of pollution” 11 participants participate in discussion of the theme. Among them are RAS Corresponding Member Lykossov, Profs. Gordov (IAO), Korikov (TUSYR), Penenko (ICMMG), Polishchuk (GISC), Shwartsev (TAIPGG) and Drs. Antipov (IOM), Arshinov (IAO), Dukarev (AIF), Fazliev(IAO), Turov (IPC). Results of discussion were summarized by Professor Tuchvatulin as follows:

Impossibility to mitigate pollution level in a city/industrial center without support of contemporary information systems for monitoring state of environment provided with powerful DSS block for reasonable management environmental situation as a whole;

Necessity to save multi disciplinary approach as a research basis for such a system, which should monitor state of air, water, vegetation and soil;

Necessity to explain to local authorities and population importance of indicated above approach to pollution mitigation via scientific publication, memorandums, specialized Web-sites and regional mass media;

Importance of multi disciplinary conferences for a research basis forming for contemporary information systems for monitoring state of environment in a city/industrial center.

At the closing Session participants thanked Sponsoring Agencies, notably EC INCO COPERNICUS2 Programme, for their support of the event which gave to the Organizers financial resources required to run the ENVIROMIS 2000 Conference on proper technical and organizational level. In particular, the COPERNICUS2 Programme financial support has been used to buy durable equipment, to cover personnel cost, , to buy some consumables and cover other specific project costs, such as communication expanses, publication expanses, etc.

The Chair:

  • Russia Academician A.S. Alekseev (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS).

Program Committee Members:

  • Russia Academician O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS),
  • Belarus Academician of NASB A.I. Ivanov (Institute of Physics, NASB),
  • Russia Corresponding Member of RAS S.D. Tvorogov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.N. Vorobyev (Branch of the Institute of Forestry, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Е.P. Gordov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Е.A. Zakarin (Space Research Institute),
  • Russia Prof. A.M. Korikov (Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Tomsk Scientific Center, SB RAS),
  • Greece Prof. Nicholas Mousiopoulos (Aristotle University of Tessaloniki),
  • Russia Prof. В.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Yu. M. Polishchuk (GIS of Tomsk Scientific Center SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. F.P. Tarasenko (Tomsk State University),
  • Russia Prof. R.T. Tukhvatulin (Department of Natural Resources, Tomsk Oblast Administration),
  • Austria Dr. Kurt Fedra (Environment Software&Systems),
  • Russia PhD Yu. F. Arshinov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS).


  • Russia Prof. Е.P. Gordov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Tomsk Scientific Center, SB RAS).

Members of the organizing committee:

  • Russia Academician O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, SB RAS),
  • Belarus Academician of NASB A.I. Ivanov (Institute of Physics, NASB),
  • Russia Prof. V.N. Vorobyev (Branch of the Institute of Forestry, SB RAS),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Е.A. Zakarin (Space Research Institute),
  • Russia Prof. A.M. Korikov (Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics),
  • Russia Prof. R.T. Tukhvatulin (Department of Natural Resources, Tomsk Oblast Administration),
  • Russia PhD Yu. F. Arshinov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia PhD F.Y. Kanev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

The Conference was devoted to the-state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, modeling tools and information technologies for air, water, soil and vegetation cover pollution assessment in integrated information systems aimed at environmental management for industrial areas on city and regional scale. It is aimed at filling a gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain as well as at creating a solid foundation for mitigation of pollution in selected areas.

The Conference has been organized by the Institute of Atmospheric Optics (IAO) SB RAS and Tomsk Scientific Center (TSC) SB RAS and taken place at premises of the both Institutions. The organization and work of the Conference was financially supported by FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Accompanying Measure Support Grant (ICA-CT-2000-60001), by INTAS Conference Monitoring Grant (00-MO-0134) and by a set of national and regional institutions: Presidium of SB RAS, United Scientific Council on Mathematics and Informatics of SB RAS, Administration of Tomsk Region, State Committee on Ecology of Tomsk Region, Tomsk University of Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSYR), IAO, TSC and Institute of Optical Monitoring (IOM) SB RAS.

The multi disciplinary Conference had been run as a set of consequent sessions devoted different aspects of the theme. The list of Session/organizer/chair includes:

  • Opening/Plenary session/ Evgueni Gordov;
  • Special session devoted presentation of the FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Project ISIREMM: /Kurt Fedra and Evgueni Gordov;
  • Session on Observations: local and remote sensors for air, water, soil and vegetation assessment/Yury Arshinov;
  • Session on Remote Sensing/ Anatoly Korikov and Edige Zakarin;
  • Session on GIS and Multi-dimensional databases/ Yury Polishchuk;
  • Session on Urban and Regional Scale Modeling/ Vladimir Penenko;
  • Session on Observations, Modeling and DSS for Environmental Management/Control of Hydrologic Systems in Urbanized and Industrial Areas/ Oleg Vasiliev and Stepan Shwartsev;
  • Session on Assessment of Soil and Vegetation Cover/ Vladislav Vorobiev and Anatoly Dukarev;
  • Session on Information-Computational Systems, Atmosphere and Climate Change Assessment/ Evgueni Gordov;
  • Session on Integrated Information Systems for environment assessment/management/ Kurt Fedra and Alexander Fazliev;
  • Special session: Monitoring of the INTAS projects in Environmental Sciences/ Evgueni Gordov; and
  • Round Table: Urban/Regional Environment state assessment and management/mitigation of pollution/ Ravil' Tukhvatulin.

Three types of papers were delivered at the Conference, namely invited (30 min.), contributed (15 min.) and poster papers. Only papers whose authors were unable to come were presented as posters. An opportunity to put to the absent authors questions by email was organized. During five days of work 25 invited, 73 contributed and 17 poster papers were delivered, which occupied near 45 working hours. Papers were presented from 46 institutions from 11 countries, which includes papers from 33 Russian institutions, from 2 Belarus, 2 Germany and 2 Uzbekistan institutions. Institutions from Austria, Belgium, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan and Romania contributed with 1 paper each. Russian papers present activity of different research and educational centers, namely 9 Tomsk institutions, 7 Novosibirsk and Moscow institutions, 6 S.Petersburg institutions. N.Novgorod, Tumen’, Tver’ and Tambov cities were presented by 1 institutions each. It should be added that developed at the IAO Information Center information system was used in process at the Conference organization which opens to remote users an access to the Conference Program, Abstracts and all relevant information.

Four invited talks of general importance for environmental research and applications were presented at the Opening/Plenary session. Their titles explain the Program Committee choice. They are “On development of the Space Monitoring Center of Siberia (SMCS) and creation of multidisciplinary technologies of monitoring”, “Urban environmental management: integrating monitoring, GIS and simulation modeling”, “Legal aspects of environmental information exchange ” and “Tomsk regional ecological legislation”. Remarkable features of the papers are cooperation of basic science and meteorological service in the first paper, orientation towards end users (administration and population) in the second paper and first hand end user experience in Russian federal and regional environmental legal issues demonstrated in the rest two papers.

At the special session devoted to presentation of the FW5 INCO COPERNICUS 2 Project “ISIREMM: Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring & Management” background information on the Project as well as input of the Partners into its preparation and performance was given in 7 following reports: E.P. Gordov, K. Fedra “General description of the Project”; G.G. Matvienko “IAO activity in environmental studies”; V.V. Penenko “Numerical simulation of trams-regional pollutant transport”; V.P. Kabashnikov Optical tools for air quality monitoring in city and industrial center (IP NASB, Belarus); B.S. Sakhariev “Geo-information system for air quality monitoring in Almaty city” (SRI, Kazakhstan); R.T. Tuckhvatulin “Environmental policy and practices of Tomsk Regional Administration” and E.P. Gordov “ISIREMM and forthcoming projects”. The session also resulted in dissemination of information on EC 5 Framework Programme as a whole.

At the Session on Observations: local and remote sensors for air, water, soil and vegetation assessment 4 invited, 12 contributed and 4 poster papers were delivered. The papers delivered demonstrate mature state of development of remote and local sensors employing modern physics achievements. Usage of both: active and passive optical and acoustical technologies was demonstrated, and impressive results obtained in process of environmental field measurements were described.

At the Session on Remote Sensing 3 invited and 5 contributed papers were delivered. The scope varies from “Problems of space ecology” to technologies of information retrieval from satellite photometry and images with applications to early forest fire detection, to determination of industry affected zones and their correlation with population health. The later paper describes cooperative work of specialists in area of image processing with researchers from Siberian State Medical University.

At the Session on GIS and Multi-dimensional databases 3 invited, 4 contributed and 3 poster papers described results obtained in 3 States (Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan) were delivered. Papers described current level in environmental data storage in the NIS States as well as usage of geo-information systems for regional and urban pollution mapping.

At the Session on Urban and Regional Scale Modeling 2 invited and 9 contributed papers from Belarus, German and Russian institutions were delivered, in which different level advanced numerical models for pollution transport were described. Presented were sophisticated 3D GCM adjusted to consideration of air-vegetation-soil interaction, models of mesoclimate and pollution of cities and industrial regions, 2D models for numerical simulation of pollution propagation in urban boundary layer as well as direct and inverse modeling efforts for monitoring, diagnosis and atmospheric quality prediction. Involvement of former “weapon” scientists from Aerobiology institute into civil area due to grants from ISTC (all in all 4 papers at the Conference) deserve special phrasing.

At the Session on Observations, Modeling and DSS for Environmental Management/Control of Hydrologic Systems in Urbanized and Industrial Areas 2 invited, 3 contributed and 2 poster papers were delivered. In spite of the fact that the session does not present coherent pattern of current situation in the marked by rather general title area (the reason is a change of the Session Chair in process caused by unforeseen by former Chair unavoidable heavy commitments) the Session was useful both for the professional in area and for researchers from neighboring domains.

At the Session on Assessment of Soil and Vegetation Cover 2 invited, 5 contributed and 3 poster papers were delivered. Papers described ways to soils and ecosystem assessment developed by Moscow and Tomsk schools of specialists as well as reported on developed instrumentation for mercury concentration determination which might be very useful at relevant emergencies.

At the Session on Information-Computational Systems, Atmosphere and Climate Change Assessment 3 invited, 5 contributed and 4 poster papers, which accumulated results forming fundamental background for environmental information systems, were delivered. The contributed paper “Development of the atmospheric air quality monitoring in Moscow” should be especially mentioned as atypical for Russia case, when a municipal end user participates in development and usage of air quality monitoring system.

At the Session on Integrated Information Systems for environment assessment/management, which are the ultimate aim of the community, 2 invited, 4 contributed and 1 poster paper were delivered leaving apart the delegated to Plenary session paper on the theme. The both invited papers provided audience with description of environmental systems relying on data from modern local and remote sensors both stationary and mobile (car or aeroplane). Dominated nowadays tendency to rely on Internet as a mass media was illustrated by several papers as well.

At the Special session: Monitoring of the INTAS projects in Environmental Sciences 7 papers describing 7 recently performed and currently run INTAS Projects were delivered instead of previously planned 5 papers. Both the papers reported and subsequent discussion gave to the Projects results a vision and dissemination as well as provided the audience with some useful for future cooperative project preparation hints and “know-how”.

During the Round Table: “Urban/Regional Environment state assessment and management/mitigation of pollution” 11 participants participate in discussion of the theme. Among them are RAS Corresponding Member Lykossov, Profs. Gordov (IAO), Korikov (TUSYR), Penenko (ICMMG), Polishchuk (GISC), Shwartsev (TAIPGG) and Drs. Antipov (IOM), Arshinov (IAO), Dukarev (AIF), Fazliev(IAO), Turov (IPC). Results of discussion were summarized by Professor Tuchvatulin as follows:

  • Impossibility to mitigate pollution level in a city/industrial center without support of contemporary information systems for monitoring state of environment provided with powerful DSS block for reasonable management environmental situation as a whole;
  • Necessity to save multi disciplinary approach as a research basis for such a system, which should monitor state of air, water, vegetation and soil;
  • Necessity to explain to local authorities and population importance of indicated above approach to pollution mitigation via scientific publication, memorandums, specialized Web-sites and regional mass media;
  • Importance of multi disciplinary conferences for a research basis forming for contemporary information systems for monitoring state of environment in a city/industrial center.

At the closing Session participants thanked Sponsoring Agencies, notably EC INCO COPERNICUS2 Programme, for their support of the event which gave to the Organizers financial resources required to run the ENVIROMIS 2000 Conference on proper technical and organizational level. In particular, the COPERNICUS2 Programme financial support has been used to buy durable equipment, to cover personnel cost, , to buy some consumables and cover other specific project costs, such as communication expanses, publication expanses, etc.


  • Russia Academician A.S. Alekseev (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS).

Program Committee Members:

  • Belarus Academician of NASB A.I. Ivanov (Institute of Physics, NASB),
  • Russia Corresponding Member of RAS M.V. Kabanov (Institute of Optical Monitoring, Siberian Branch of RAS),
  • Russia Corresponding Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS),
  • Russia Corresponding Member of RAS S.D. Tvorogov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Siberian Branch of RAS),
  • Russia Academician Y.I. Shokin (Institute of Computational Technologies, SB RAS),
  • France Dr. Alan Barb (University of Reims),
  • France Dr. Gérard Benyi (MEDIAS),
  • Ukraine Prof. G. Belyavsky (Ukrainian Institute for Environmental and Resource Research, National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine),
  • Russia Prof. V.N. Vorobyev (Branch of the Forest Institute, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. E.P. Gordov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Е.A. Zakarin (Institute for Space Research),
  • Romania Dr. Cristian Kleps (Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences),
  • Russia Prof. A.M. Korikov (Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Tomsk Scientific Center, SB RAS),
  • Netherlands Prof. Dr. C.J. van Leeuwen (Centre for Substances and Risk Assessment),
  • Netherlands Dr. Jan Linders (National Institute of Public Health and Environment),
  • Russia Prof. G.G. Matvienko (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. G.V. Motuzova (Moscow State University),
  • Italy Prof. Antonio Palucci (ENEA, Frascati),
  • Russia Prof. В.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics, SB RAS),
  • Italy Prof. Ivan Pippi (CNR- Instituto di Recerca sulle Onde Elettromagnetiche, Florence),
  • Russia Prof. Y.M. Polishchuk (GIS of Tomsk Scientific Center),
  • Russia Prof. A.V. Starchenko (Tomsk State University),
  • Russia Prof. R.T. Tukhvatulin (Department of Natural Resources, Tomsk Oblast Administration),
  • Russia Prof. A.Z. Fazliev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. A.M. Fedotov (Institute of Computational Technologies, SB RAS),
  • Austria Dr. Kurt Fedra (Environment Software&Systems),
  • Italy Dr. Luca Fiorani (ENEA),
  • Russia Prof. S.L. Shvartsev (Branch of the Institute of Oil and Gas Geology, SB RAS).


  • Russia Prof. Е.P. Gordov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Tomsk Scientific Center, SB RAS).

Members of the organizing committee:

  • Russia Dr. A. Adam (Tomsk Regional Committee of Ecology),
  • Russia Dr. Y.F. Arshinov (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS),
  • Ukraine Prof. G. Belyavsky (Ukrainian Institute for Environmental and Resource Research of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine),
  • Belarus Prof. A.P. Ivanov (Institute of Physics, NASB),
  • Russia Prof. V.N. Vorobyev (Branch of the Forest Institute, SB RAS),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Е.A. Zakarin (Institute of Space Research),
  • Russia Prof. A.M. Korikov (Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Optical Monitoring, SB RAS),
  • Netherlands Dr. Jan Linders (National Institute of Public Health and Environment),
  • Russia Corresponding Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS),
  • Italy Dr. Ivan Pippi (CNR - Istituto di Fisica Applicata Carrara, Florence),
  • Russia Prof. R.T. Tukhvatulin (Department of Natural Resources and Oil and Gas Complex of Tomsk Region Administration),
  • Russia Prof. S.L. Shvartsev (Branch of the Institute of Oil and Gas Geology, SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia PhD A.Z. Fazliev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS).

Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Y. E. Gordova (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS).

The third in series multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Young Scientists School will be devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressure including those caused by Global Change. It is aimed at filling a gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain as well as at creating a solid foundation for mitigation of pollution and environmental management for industrial areas on city and regional scale. One of thematic focuses of the Conference will be devoted to detailed discussion of the climatic Hot Spots recently detected in the Northern Eurasia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole, it has attracted recently attention of number of research and funding organizations, notably Siberian Branch of RAS, NASA, IGBP and FP6 ESD Programme. We plan to devote this theme special 3 day INTAS strategic scientific workshop “Towards integrated multidisciplinary study of the Northern Eurasia climatic Hot Spot” included into the conference fabric. The workshop will take place on 23-25 July.


  • Total amount of participants: 194
  • From NIS: 15 (Ukraine, Belurus, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia)
  • Foreign: 6 (Italy, France, Germany, Belgium)
  • Total amount of organizations: 72 (Tomsk – 8, Novosibirsk – 9, Moscow – 9, Krasnoyarsk – 4, Irkutsk – 4, Saint-Petersburg – 3, 1 from Perm, Birsk, Angarsk, Arkhangelsk, Obninsk, Orenburg, Ufa, Birobidjan, Petrozavodsk, Ulan-Ude, Barnaul)
  • Foreign: 4
  • RAS institutions: 30
  • Institutes of higher education: 16 (5 from NIS)

Program Committee Chair:

  • Russia Academician Anatoly Alekseev (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS).

Program Committee:

  • Japan Prof. H. Akimoto (Frontier Research System for Global Change),
  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI),
  • Ukraine Prof. G. Belyavskii (Ukraine Institute of Environment and Resources Study),
  • France Dr. G. Begni (MEDIAS),
  • Belarus Dr. A. Chaikovski (Institute of Physics),
  • USA Dr. D. Deering (NASA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS N. Glazovskii (Institute of Geography),
  • Ukraine Prof. V.V. Efimov (Marine Hydrophysical Institute),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS A. Fedotov (Institute of Computational Technologies),
  • Russia Dr. A.Z. Fazliev (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training SB RAS),
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS M.V. Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. I.L. Karol (Main Geophysical Observatory),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • United Kingdom Dr. B. Lawrence (Rutherford Laboratory, British Atmospheric data Center),
  • Netherlands Dr. Jan Linders (RIVM-CSR),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Italy Dr. A. Palucci (ENEA),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics),
  • Italy Dr. I. Pippi (Institute of Applied Physics “Carrara”),
  • Germany Prof. Ch. Schmullius (Friedrich-Schiller University),
  • Russia RAS member Yu.I. Shokin (Institute of Computational Technologies),
  • Austria Dr. A. Shvidenko (IIASA),
  • Russia Prof. S.L. Shvartsev (Tomsk Affiliation of the Institute of Gas and Petroleum Geology SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V. Snytko (Institute of Geography),
  • Uzbekistan Dr. G.A. Tolkacheva (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute),
  • France Dr. Y. Tourre (MEDIAS),
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Institute of Forest),
  • Russia RAS Member O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Ecology Problems SB RAS),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Edige Zakarin (National Center of Radioelectronics and Communication (NC REC)),
  • Sweden Prof. S. Zilitinkevich (Uppsala University).

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgueni Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training).

Organizing Committee:

  • France Dr. Gerard Begni (MEDIAS),
  • Belarus Dr. A.P. Chaikovski (Institute of Physics),
  • Ukraine Prof. V.V. Efimov (Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol),
  • Russia Dr. E.Yu. Genina (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics),
  • Uzbekistan Dr. G.A. Tolkacheva (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Edige Zakarin (National Center of Radioelectronics and Communication).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. E.Yu. Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yu.E. Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

The fourth multidisciplinary conference, containing elements of the School of Young Scientists, was devoted to the current state of the art and the use of modern observational methods, computational and information technologies for assessing, modeling and mitigating environmental change under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, as well as global climate change. One of the objectives of the conference is to reduce the gap between the achievements of basic science and their practical applications in the field of environmental protection and pollution reduction in industrial zones of cities and at the regional level. The conference also aims to overcome the interdisciplinary barriers that exist between specialists working in different fields of environmental sciences.

One of the objectives of the conference was to address the generation gap in environmental sciences. To mitigate the effects of this gap and to enhance the professional development of young scientists, the conference will feature invited lectures by experts from CIS and Europe, which will help young scientists to get up-to-date information on the most important areas of environmental sciences. The participation of a number of young scientists and specialists from CIS was supported to exchange experiences and ideas, as well as to find new opportunities and ways of researching various environmental science problems. Special attention at the conference was paid to a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of Siberia's environment under the influence of global climate change. As the region with the most pronounced climate change and great potential impact on the functioning of the Earth system as a whole, Siberia has recently attracted the attention of several research and funding organizations such as SB RAS, the EU Sixth Framework Programme, INTAS, ISTC, NASA, IGBP and the Earth System Science Partnership as a whole.

A special workshop on “Deploying an Integrated Regional Study of Siberia” was dedicated to this topic. Special attention was given to the assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation to these changes, in particular for the development of effective and cost-effective adaptation strategies. Also special attention was paid to the discussion of anthropogenic risks to the environment, in particular their detection, monitoring, management and mitigation technologies. For this purpose, the conference includes a special symposium “Environmental Control and Rehabilitation”. Its sections will be devoted to new methods and instruments of environmental control; environmental and climate monitoring technologies; environmental protection and rehabilitation technologies and the impact of climate and ecosystem changes on public health. A special section “Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia” will also be organized, entirely dedicated to the project of the Sixth Framework Programme Enviro-RISKS: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia.


1. local and remote observations. Organizers/Chairs Luca Fiorani and A.A. Tikhomirov 

2. Remote Sensing and GIS. Organizers/Chairs E.A. Zakarin and V.A. Krutikov 

3. Environmental Data Processing. Organizers/Chairs Gerard Begni and A.Z. Fazliev 

4. Environmental modeling at the urban and regional level. Organizers/Chairs Alexander Baklanov and V.V. Penenko 

5. Hydrological Systems. Organizers/Chairs S.L. Shvartsev and O.F. Vasiliev 

6. Assessment of soil and vegetation condition. Organizers/Chairpersons E.A. Vaganov and A.G. Dyukarev 

7. Assessment and modeling of climate and environmental changes. Organizers/Chairpersons E.P. Gordov and V.N. Lykosov 

8. Workshop “Deployment of Integrated Regional Study of Siberia”. Organizers/Chairs Gerard Begni, E.P. Gordov, Martin Heimann, Martin Koenig, V.N. Lykosov, E.A. Vaganov and Anatoly Shvidenko with the support of SC CLIO and MEDIAS-France. 

8.1 Presentation of projects being carried out on Siberian environment under the 6th Framework Program, INTAS, NASA, ISTC and RFFI 

8.2. Integrated Regional Study of Siberia: Development and Prospects

8.3 Presentation of opportunities under the 7th Framework Program, INTAS and other international programs for researchers working in environmental projects 

9. Symposium “Environmental Control and Rehabilitation”. Chairperson M.V. Kabanov, Organizers Alexander Baklanov, E.P. Gordov, A.A. Tikhomirov, A.G. Dyukarev supported by IMCES SB RAS and SC CLIO. 

9.1. New Methods and Instruments of Environmental Monitoring 

9.2 Technologies for Environmental and Climate Monitoring 

9.3 Technologies for Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation 

9.4. Monitoring, Management and Reduction of Anthropogenic Changes in Siberia: Project of the Sixth Framework Program Enviro-RISKS 

10. Seminar “Validation of Western Siberia land surface maps and further development of the network of sites for validation (NELDA project)”. Organizers/Chairs: Olga Krankina, A.G. Dyukarev, E.P. Gordov, supported by Oregon University, IMCES SB RAS and SC CLIO. 

10.1 Overview of the NELDA project (Northern Eurasia Land Dynamics Analysis) 

10.2. Needs of monitoring of land surface changes in Western Siberia and plans for development of the validation site 

10.3. Experience in processing of low resolution images of the Earth surface 

10.4. Plans for further development of NELDA network 

11. Short course of thematic lectures “Information engineering and services for the urban environment”. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Dr-Eng. Kostas Karatzas

Program (International Advisory) Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Michael Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS).

Program Committee:

  • Japan Prof. H. Akimoto (Frontier Research System for Global Change),
  • Russia Academician A.S. Alekseev (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS), 
  • Romania Prof. Gabriela M. Atanasiu (“Gh. Asachi”), 
  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI), 
  • Ukraine Prof. G. Belyavskii (Ukraine Institute of Environment and Resources Study), 
  • France Dr. G. Begni (MEDIAS), 
  • USA Dr. D. Deering (NASA), 
  • Russia Dr. Sci. A. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS), 
  • Ukraine Prof. V.V. Efimov (Marine Hydrophysical Institute), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS A. Fedotov (Institute of Computational Technologies), 
  • Italy Dr. L. Fiorani (ENEA), 
  • Russia Dr. A.Z. Fazliev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS), 
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS M.V. Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS), 
  • Russia Prof. I.L. Karol (Main Geophysical Observatory), 
  • Austria Dipl.-Geogr. M. Koenig (Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency)), 
  • USA Mrs. O. Krankina (Oregon University), 
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS), 
  • United Kingdom Dr. B. Lawrence (Rutherford Laboratory, British Atmospheric data Center), 
  • Netherlands Dr. J. Linders (RIVM-CSR), 
  • Belgium Dr. P. Liscak (INTAS), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics), 
  • Russia Prof. A. Onuchin (Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Italy Dr. A. Palucci (ENEA), 
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics), 
  • Italy Dr. I. Pippi (Institute of Applied Physics “Carrara”), 
  • Germany Prof. Ch. Schmullius (Friedrich-Schiller University), 
  • Germany Prof. E.D. Schulze (MPI for Bio-geochemistry), 
  • Russia RAS member Yu.I. Shokin (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS), 
  • Austria Dr. A. Shvidenko (IIASA), 
  • Russia Prof. S.L. Shvartsev (Tomsk Affiliation of the Institute of Gas and Petroleum Geology SB RAS), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V. Snytko (Institute of Geography SB RAS), 
  • Uzbekistan Dr. G.A. Tolkacheva (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute), 
  • France Dr. Y. Tourre (MEDIAS),
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Institute of Forest SB RAS), 
  • Russia RAS Member O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Ecology Problems SB RAS), 
  • Kazakhstan Prof. E.A. Zakarin (KazGeoCosmos), 
  • Sweden Prof. S. Zilitinkevich (Uppsala University).

Conference Chair

  • Russia Prof. Evgueni Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training).

Organizing Committe

  • Denmark Prof. Alexander Baklanov (Danish Meteorological Institute),
  • France Dr. G. Begni (MEDIAS),
  • Ukraine Prof. V.V. Efimov (Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Sevastopol),
  • Russia Dr. E.Yu. Genina (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training),
  • Russia Prof. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Optical Monitoring of Siberian Branch of RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics),
  • Uzbekistan Dr. G.A. Tolkacheva (Central Asian Research Hydrometeorological Institute),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Edige Zakarin (KazGeoKosmos).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

The fifth in series of multidisciplinary Conferences comprising elements of Young Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by Global Change. It was aimed at filling a gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. Also it is addressed to a critically important issue, which is the generation gap in Environmental Sciences. To mitigate its consequences and to facilitate professional skill development for young scientists, a number of invited lectures devoted to the state of the art at the domain under consideration will be presented by leading specialists, which will allow young participants to get first hand information on hot topics of Environmental Sciences and will attract them professionally to this very important domain.

One of thematic foci of the Conference was devoted to a detailed discussion of Northern and Siberia, in particular, environment state and dynamics under Climate Change. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, Siberia has attracted recently attention of a number of research and funding organizations, notably Siberian Branch of RAS, 6 Framework Programme EC, ISTC, NASA, IGBP and the Earth System Science Partnership as a whole. We plan to devote to this theme an Open Meeting of Russian National Committee for IGBP: Development of Siberia Integrated Regional Study (SIRS). Special emphasis will be given to Northern Eurasia Climate Change impact assessment and adaptation to facilitate design of effective yet economically efficient adaptation strategies.

Another thematic focus was devoted to a detailed discussion of man-made environmental risks, in particular their detection, monitoring, management and remediation technique. To this end a special Workshop on Man-Made Environmental Risks will be embedded into the Conference fabric to this end. In particular, it will be devoted to the FP6 Coordinated Action Enviro–RISKS (Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia) results.

Being run as a sequence of sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme the Conference will facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation for Earth System study at global and regional level as well. It brought together the scientific community at large involving scientists with representatives of national and international organizations in science, industry and other groups relevant for the aims of the Conference. Being addressed to one of research priorities of the FP7 activity area Environment (including Climate Change) it shall engage the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It will define future scientific priorities to this end as well as identify research groups and projects in a position to become integrated. It was suggested that international agencies promoting environmentally oriented activities in the NIS and Europe should utilize this Conference for monitoring current state of their projects falling into this area thus giving them vision and result diffusion as well as a basis for new cooperative RTD initiatives. Special attention was paid to the involvement of contractors involved in solving national and international environmental issues at the regional level.

The Conference was organized by the Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of Siberian Branch of RAS, Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Tomsk Region Committee on Ecology, Russian National Committee IGBP, and Scientific Councils on Earth Sciences and on Mathematics and Informatics of SB RAS. The conference was held in Tomsk Akademgorodok at premises of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems. A one-day trip along the Tom’/Ob’ rivers was undertaken to familiarize with the practical activities of regional environmental authorities.


  1. Local and remote observations. Organizers/Chairs Antonio Palucci and Alexander Tikhomirov
  2. Remote sensing and GIS. Organizers/Chairs Vladimir Serebryakov and Yury Polishchuk
  3. Environmental Information Systems. Organizers/Chairs Stefano Nativi and Alexander Fazliev
  4. Urban and Regional Environmental Modeling. Organizers/Chairs Alexander Baklanov and Vladimir Penenko
  5. Hydrology and Climate. Organizers/Chairs Stepan Shwartsev and Oleg Vasiliev
  6. Assessment of Soil, Forestry and Wetland Dynamics. Organizers/Chairs Anatoly Dyukarev), Charles Lane and Alexander Onuchin
  7. Environment and Climatic Change Assessment and Modeling. Organizers/Chairs Michael Kabanov and Vasily Lykosov
  8. Open Meeting of Russian National Committee for IGBP: Development of Siberia Integrated Regional Study. Organizers/Chairs Evgeny Gordov and Evgeny Vaganov
  9. Workshop on Man-Made Environmental Risks. Organizers/Chairs Alexander Baklanov, Evgeny Gordov
  10. Workshop on Northern Eurasia Land Dynamic Assessment. Organizers/Chairs Olga Krankina, Alexander Onuchin, Anatoly Shvidenko

Three types of papers will be delivered at the Conference, namely invited lectures, describing the state of the art in the targeted areas (1 hour), invited papers, describing recent important inputs into the domain (30 min), and contributed papers. Contributed papers will be presented mainly at relevant poster Sessions. Only limited number of them will be selected for oral presentation. Those who’d like to present an additional invited or oral paper, please, contact with relevant Session Chair/Organizer. 

The Workshop on Man-Made Environmental Risks additionally to thematic sessions with invited and contributed opal and poster presentations will include the session entirely devoted to the FP6 Coordinated Action FP6 Enviro–RISKS, aimed at monitoring, management and remediation of man-made changes in Siberia. In course of this session the project co-ordinator and contractors will present their finding on the theme. 


118 representatives of 33 institutions took part in the Conference.

Among them were 6 representatives of foreign organizations (France, Switzerland, Austria, USA, Denmark) and 2 representatives of MIS countries (Belarus and Kazakhstan).

Russia was presented by 25 scientific organizations: 

  • 7 – Tomsk 
  • 6 – Novosibirsk 
  • 3 – Moscow 
  • 2 – Irkutsk 
  • 2 – Krasnoyarsk

There were also participants from Birobidzhan, Yekaterinburg, Obninsk, Petrozavodsk and Khanty-Mansiisk.

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. E.P. Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Michael Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS).


  • Japan Prof. H. Akimoto (Frontier Research System for Global Change), 
  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI),
  • Russia RAS member P.Ya. Baklanov (Pacific Institute of Geography), 
  • France Dr. G. Begni (CNES),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. A.G. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS), 
  • USA Dr. P. Groisman (NASA), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS A.M. Fedotov (Novosibirsk State University and Institute of Computational Technologies), 
  • Russia Dr. A.Z. Fazliev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS), 
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry), 
  • Russia RAS member V.M. Kotlyakov (Institute of Geography), 
  • USA Dr. O. Krankina (Oregon State University), 
  • Russia Dr.Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS), 
  • USA Dr. C. Lane (National Exposure Research Laboratory, EPA), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics), 
  • Russia Prof. A.A. Onuchin (Institute of Forest SB RAS), 
  • Italy Dr. A. Palucci (ENEA),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics), 
  • Italy Dr. I. Pippi (Institute of Applied Physics “Carrara”), 
  • Germany Prof. Ch. Schmullius (Friedrich-Schiller University),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA),
  • Russia Prof. S.L. Shvartsev (Tomsk Affiliation of the Institute of Gas and Petroleum Geology SB RAS), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS O.N. Solomina (Institute of Geography), 
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Siberian Federal University and Institute of Forest SB RAS), 
  • Russia RAS member O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Ecology Problems SB RAS), 
  • Kazakhstan Prof. E.A. Zakarin (KazGeoCosmos).

Conference Chair

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, Siberian Branch of RAS).

Organizing Committee:

  • Denmark Prof. Alexander Baklanov (Danish Meteorological Institute),
  • France Dr. Gerard Begni (CNES),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS), 
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute for Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics),
  • Uzbekistan Dr. L. Shardakova (Research Hydrometeorological Institute),
  • Kazakhstan Prof. Edige Zakarin (KazGeoKosmos).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

The sixth multidisciplinary conference, containing elements of the School of Young Scientists, was devoted to the current state of the art and the use of modern observational methods, computational and information technologies to assess, model and mitigate environmental change in Northern Eurasia under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, including global climate change. One of the objectives of the conference was to reduce the gap between the achievements of basic science and their practical applications in the field of environmental protection, as well as to address the generation gap in environmental sciences. To mitigate the effects of this gap and to enhance the professional development of young scientists, the conference featured lectures by invited leading experts, which helped young scientists to get up-to-date information on the most important topics of Earth system sciences and attracted their professional attention to this crucial field of research.

The conference focused on a detailed discussion of the state and dynamics of the environment of Northern Eurasia, especially Siberia. As the region with the most pronounced climate change and significant potential impact on the functioning of the Earth system as a whole, Siberia has recently attracted the attention of a number of research and funding organizations. As a consequence, the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) and its regional project Integrated Regional Research on Siberia (IRIS) were established several years ago. NEESPI is now an interdisciplinary program of internationally supported Earth system research that focuses on the large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region. NEESPI seeks to understand how terrestrial ecosystems and continental water dynamics in Northern Eurasia interact and alter the Earth's climate, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. The NEESPI workshop “Climate Change impacts on Northern Eurasia and related feedbacks” and an open meeting of the Russian National Committee of the IGBP on the deployment of the Integrated Regional Study of Siberia (IRIS) are planned to be devoted to this topic.

The conference program, consisting of consecutive sections devoted to different aspects of environmental studies, will promote interdisciplinary cooperation among scientists, providing a framework for the study of the Earth system at the global and regional levels. The conference brought together not only scientists but also representatives of national and international scientific, industrial and other interested organizations.

The conference, related to one of the priority research areas of Earth System Sciences, provided an opportunity for participants to discuss comprehensively optimal research directions and potential collaborative opportunities. It prioritized and highlighted scientific groups and projects that could be integrated into new projects.

The conference was organized by the Siberian Center for Climate-Ecological Research and Education, Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute of Computational Mathematics RAS, Tomsk State University and the Russian National Committee for IGBP and its Siberian Branch.

The conference was held in the premises of IMCES SB RAS in Tomsk Akademgorodok. During the conference a one-day cruise along the Tom River was organized to get acquainted with practical activities of regional environmental protection organizations.


NEESPI Workshop:

1. Ongoing Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizers/Chairs Pavel Groisman and Evgeny Gordov

2. Regional climate modeling Organizers/Chairs Vasily Lykosov, Igor Mokhov, and Igor Shkolnik

3. Northern Eurasia climate and biosphere interrelations Organizers/Chairs Martin Heimann and Vyacheslav Kharuk

4. Influence of Northern Eurasia terrestrial ecosystems on global biogeochemical cycles: past, present and future. Organizers/Chairs Anatoly Shvidenko and Quinlai Zhuang

5. Air pollution transport and climate change Organizers/Chairs Alexander Baklanov, Irina Sokolik, and Vladimir Penenko

6. Observational and ICT infrastructure support of regional scale environmental studies

6.1 Ground based monitoring Organizers/Chairs Boris Belan, Michael Kabanov, and Vyacheslav Razuvaev

6.2 Space based monitoring Organizers/Chairs Gerard Begni and Garik Gutman

6.3 Information-computational infrastructure Organizers/Chairs Efim Kudashev and Gregory Leptoukh

7. Regional environment and biodiversity risks and socio-economic impact Organizers/Chairs: Natalia Lukina and Kirsten de Beurs

Thematic Sessions:

8. Geo-referenced geophysical data and semantic web: Basics and Applications Organizers/Chairs Vladimir Serebryakov and Vladimir Gershenzon

9. Open Meeting of Russian National Committee for IGBP: Development of Siberia Integrated Regional Study Organizers/Chairs Evgeny Gordov and Evgeny Vaganov

10. Open Meeting of APN project "Human Impact on Land-cover Changes in the Heart of Asia" Organizers/Chairs Olga Krankina and Igor Okladnikov

11. Joint Session with Symposium on Control and Rehabilitation of Environment Organizers/Chairs Alexander Tikhomirov

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. E.P. Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • USA Dr. P. Groisman (NOAA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Michael Kabanov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS).


  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI),
  • France Dr. G. Begni (CNES),
  • Russia Dr. B. Belan (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. A.G. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. V. Gershenzon (Scanex),
  • USA Dr. G. Gutman (NASA),
  • Russia Dr. A.Z. Fazliev (Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS),
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry),
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk (IF SB RAS),
  • USA Dr. O. Krankina (Oregon State University),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. E. Kudashev (Space Research Institute RAS),
  • USA Dr. G. Leptoukh (NASA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Russia Prof. A.A. Onuchin (Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics),
  • Germany Prof. Ch. Schmullius (Friedrich - Schiller-University, Germany),
  • Russia Prof. V. Serebryakov (RAS Computing Center),
  • Russia Dr. I. Shkolnik (MGO),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA),
  • USA Dr. I. Sokolik (Georgia Institute of Technology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences),
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Siberian Federal University and Institute of Forest SB RAS).

Conference Chair

  • Russia Prof. E.P. Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training)

Organizing Committee:

  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI),
  • Finland Dr. Iryna Bashmakova (NEESPI European office),
  • France Dr. G. Begni (CNES),
  • USA Dr. P. Groisman (NOAA),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

Secretary of the Conference

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training).

The seventh in the series, the multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It is aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. Also it was addressed a critically important issue – a generation gap occurring in Environmental Sciences. To mitigate its consequences and to facilitate professional skill growth for young scientists, a number of invited lectures devoted to the state-of-the-art in the environmental research was presented by leading specialists, which allowed young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area.

The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, this region has recently attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. To meet these challenges, a few years ago the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) and its regional mega project Siberian Integrated Regional Study (SIRS) were formed. Nowadays NEESPI is an interdisciplinary program of internationally supported Earth systems science research that addresses large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region. NEESPI strives to understand how the land ecosystems and continental water dynamics in Northern Eurasia interact with and alter the climate system, the biosphere, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere of the Earth. Its overarching Science Question is: How do we develop our predictive capability of terrestrial ecosystems dynamics over Northern Eurasia for the 21st century to support global projections as well as to enhance informed decision making and provide descriptions of numerous practical applications in the region?

The Conference was conducted with a close collaboration with Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS). Being different from other monsoon research projects (e.g., MAHASRI), MAIRS does not address the monsoon climate itself, but focus on human monsoon system interaction. It attempts to understand to what extent the human activities modulate the Asia monsoon climate and how the changed monsoon climate will impact further the social and economic development of Asia. MAIRS and NEESPI research objectives and study domain overlap in the Dry Asia midlatitudinal belt north of 40°N.

Being run as a set of consecutive targeted Workshops and thematic sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme, the Conference was facilitated interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation of Earth System study on both regional and global levels. It was brought together the scientific community at large with representatives of national and international scientific organizations, industries and other groups relevant to the Conference. Aimed at one of the Earth System Sciences research priorities, it engaged the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It defined future scientific priorities to this end as well as to identify research groups and projects which are in a position to become integrated.

The Conference was organized by the Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Irkutsk Scientific Center and Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS and Russian National Committee for IGBP with support of WMO, APN, RFBR, START, MAIRS, and NEESPI.

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NOAA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Igor Bychkov (Irkutsk Scientific Center SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS)


  • USA Prof. V. Alexeev (IARC, University of Alaska-Fairbanks),
  • Denmark Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI)
  • USA Dr. G. Gutman (NASA),
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry)
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk (Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.M. Plyusnin (V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS),
  • Germany Prof. Ch. Schmullius ( - Schiller-University)
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA)
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Siberian Federal University and Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.V. Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, Siberian Branch of RAS),

Organizing Committee:

  • China Dr. Ailikun (MAIRS, Beijing)
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Igor Bychkov (Irkutsk Scientific Center and Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NEESPI, UCAR at NOAA National Climatic Data Center),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Alexander Gornov (Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Viktor Plyusnin (V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Nadezhda Voropai (V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, SB RAS).

The eight in the series, the multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change.

It was aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. Also it addressed a critically important issue – a generation gap occurring in Environmental Sciences. To mitigate its consequences and to facilitate professional skill growth for young scientists, a number of invited lectures devoted to the state-of-the-art in the environmental research was presented by leading specialists, which allowed young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area. The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, this region has attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. To meet these challenges, a few years ago the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) and its regional mega project Siberian Integrated Regional Study (SIRS) were formed. They support Earth systems science research that addresses large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region.

All these projects aim at understanding how the land ecosystems and continental water dynamics in Northern Eurasia interact with and alter the climate system, the biosphere, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere of the Earth. Its overarching Science Question is: How do we develop our predictive capability of terrestrial ecosystems dynamics over Northern Eurasia for the 21st century to support global projections as well as to enhance informed decision making and provide descriptions of numerous practical applications in the region?

Being run as a set of consecutive thematic sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme, the Conference was facilitated interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation of Earth System study on both regional and global levels. It was brought together the scientific community at large with representatives of national and international scientific organizations, industries and other groups relevant to the Conference. Aimed at one of the Earth System Sciences research priorities, it was engaged the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It was defined future scientific priorities to this end as well as to identify research groups and projects which are in a position to become integrated.

The Conference was organized by the Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS and Russian National Committee for IGBP.

The Conference was held in Tomsk. One-day trip to Tom river is planned to access practical activity of regional environmental bodies.

Working languages at the Conference were English and Russian. During the thematic Conference Sessions simultaneous translation will be provided.


  1. Ongoing Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizers/chairs Pavel Groisman and Evgeny Gordov
  2. Regional climate modeling. Organizers/chairs Vasily Lykosov and Aleksey Eliseev
  3. Northern Eurasia climate and biosphere interrelations. Organizers/chairs Vladimir Zuev and Vyacheslav Kharuk
  4. Influence of Northern Eurasia terrestrial ecosystems on global biogeochemical cycles: past, present and future. Organizers/chairs Anatoly Shvidenko and TBD
  5. Air pollution transport and climate change. Organizers/chairs Mikhail Arshinov, Alexander Baklanov, and Vladimir Penenko
  6. Observational and ICT infrastructure support of regional scale environmental studies. Organizers Vladimir Krutikov and Michael Kabanov
  7. Regional environment risks and socio-economic impact.

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NOAA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),

Program Committee:

  • China Prof. A. Baklanov (DMI)
  • USA Dr. G. Gutman (NASA),
  • Germany Prof. M. Heimann (MPI for Bio-geochemistry)
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk (Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA, Luxenburg, Austria,)
  • Russia RAS member E.A. Vaganov (Siberian Federal University and Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.V. Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, Siberian Branch of RAS),

Organizing Committee:

  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NEESPI, UCAR at NOAA National Climatic Data Center),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, SB RAS).

The ninth in the series, the multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School wфas devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It was aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. Also it was addressed a critically important issue – a generation gap occurring in Environmental Sciences. To mitigate its consequences and to facilitate professional skill growth for young scientists, a number of invited lectures devoted to the state-of-the-art in the environmental research was presented by leading specialists, which will allow young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area.

The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, this region has attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. To meet these challenges, a few years ago the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) to support Earth systems science research that addresses large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region. Now it is transformed into Northern Eurasia Future Earth Initiative (NEFI). There also created a project for development of network of instrumental observations in Northern Eurasia (PEEX) and a project of Siberian-French Center of Education and Science (SFC-ER) aimed at clarifying the role of Siberia ecosystems in Global Change.

All these projects aim at understanding how the land ecosystems and continental water dynamics in Northern Eurasia interact with and alter the climate system, the biosphere, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere of the Earth. Its overarching Science Question is: How do we develop our predictive capability of terrestrial ecosystems dynamics over Northern Eurasia for the 21st century to support global projections as well as to enhance informed decision making and provide descriptions of numerous practical applications in the region?

Being run as a set of consecutive thematic sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme, the Conference was facilitated interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation of Earth System study on both regional and global levels. It was brought together the scientific community at large with representatives of national and international scientific organizations, industries and other groups relevant to the Conference. Aimed at one of the Earth System Sciences research priorities, it was engaged the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It was defined future scientific priorities to this end as well as to identify research groups and projects which are in a position to become integrated.

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Research Computing Center of MSU and Tomsk State University.

The Conference was held in Tomsk. One-day trip to Ob river was accessed practical activity of regional environmental bodies.

Working languages at the Conference were English and Russian. During the thematic Conference Sessions simultaneous translation will be provided.


  1. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Michael Kabanov
  2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Organizers/chairs Vasily Lykosov  and Mikhail Tolstykh
  3. Biosphere-geosphere Interaction in Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Vladimir Zuev
  4. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change. Organizer/chair Anatoly Dyukarev
  5. Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia and a global biogeochemical cycle. Organizers/chairs Sergey Kirpotin and Egor Dyukarev
  6. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts. Organizer/chair Reik Donner  
  7. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Organizers/chairs Vladimir Penenko and Aleksey Penenko
  8. Instrumental Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research. Organizer/chair Aleksandr Tikhomirov
  9. Information and Measuring Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research. Organizer/chair Vladimir Krutikov
  10. Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research.  Organizers/chairs Evgeny Gordov and Aleksandr Shiklomanov
  11. NEESPI/NEFI Workshop. Organizers/chairs Pavel Groisman and Evgeny Gordov

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NOAA),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),


  • WMO Prof. A. Baklanov (WMO),
  • Germany Dr. Reik Donner (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
  • Russia Prof. A.G. Dyukerev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Е.А. Dyukerev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk (Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. S.N. Kirpotin (Tomsk State University),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • USA А. Shiklomanov (University of New Hampshire),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA, Luxemburg, Austria,)
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.V. Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. А.А. Tikhomirov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. M.A. Tolstykh (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia),

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, Siberian Branch of RAS),

Organizing Committee:

  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NEESPI, UCAR at NOAA National Climatic Data Center),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, SB RAS).

The tenth in the series Jubilee multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It was aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. Also it was addressed a critically important issue – a generation gap occurring in Environmental Sciences. To mitigate its consequences and to facilitate professional skill growth for young scientists, a number of invited lectures devoted to the state-of-the-art in the environmental research was presented by leading specialists, which will allow young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area.

The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, this region has attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. To meet these challenges, twelve years ago the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) was launched to support Earth systems science research that addresses large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region. Now it has been transformed into Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI). There are also new initiatives such as Siberian Environmental Research Network SecNet and interdisciplinary research program Pan-Eurasian Experiment PEEX. These programs leaders and representatives were invited to participate in the Conference to discuss received results and efforts coordination.

Being run as a set of consecutive thematic sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme, the Conference was facilitated interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation of Earth System study on both regional and global levels. It was brought together the scientific community at large with representatives of national and international scientific organizations, industries and other groups relevant to the Conference. Aimed at one of the Earth System Sciences research priorities, it was engaged the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It was defined future scientific priorities to this end as well as identify research groups and projects for further integration.

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, with the assistance of NEFI and SecNet programs.

Working languages at the Conference were English and Russian.

During the Conference Sessions simultaneous translation was provided. One-day trip to Ob River was held to access practical activity of regional environmental bodies.

Sessions and workshops

  1. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Michael Kabanov
  2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Organizers/chairs Vasily Lykosov and Mikhail Tolstykh
  3. Biogeochemical cycles in peatlands of Northern Eurasia: Observations, analysis and modelling. Organizers/chairs Sergey Kirpotin and Nikolai Zavalishin
  4. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change.Organizer/chair Anatoly Dyukarev
  5. Biosphere-geosphere Interaction in Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Vladimir Zuev
  6. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Organizers/chairs Vladimir Penenko and Aleksey Penenko
  7. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts.Organizer/chair Reik Donner
  8. Instrumental Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research. Organizer/chair Aleksandr Tikhomirov
  9. Information and Measuring Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research. Organizer/chair Vladimir Krutikov
  10. Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Research. Organizers/chairs Evgeny Gordov and Aleksandr Fazliev
  11. NEESPI/NEFI Workshop. Organizers/chairs Pavel Groisman and Evgeny Gordov

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),


  • WMO Prof. A. Baklanov (WMO),
  • UK Prof. T. Callagan (SecNet, University of Sheffield)
  • Germany Dr. Reik Donner (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
  • Russia Prof. A.G. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Е.А. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk(Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. S.N. Kirpotin (Tomsk State University),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS I.I. Mokhov (Institute of Atmospheric Physics),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • USA А. Shiklomanov (University of New Hampshire),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA)
  • Russia Dr. N.N. Zavalishin (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.V. Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. А.А. Tikhomirov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. M.A. Tolstykh (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia),

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Siberian Center for Environment Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, Siberian Branch of RAS),

Organizing Committee:

  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems, SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Е.А. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. M.S.Yudin (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Siberian Center for Environmental Research and Training, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems, SB RAS).

The eleventh multidisciplinary Conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of Northern Eurasia environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It was aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. It also addressed a critically important issue – facilitation of professional skill growth of young scientists. To this end a number of invited lectures devoted to the state-of-the-art in the environmental research was presented by leading specialists, which was allowed young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area.

The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia. Being a region where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System operation as a whole are of importance, this region has attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. To meet these challenges, Northern Eurasia Future Earth Initiative (NEFI) integrates projects that address large-scale and long-term manifestations of climate and environmental change in the region. There also emerge new initiatives such as Siberian Environmental Research Network SecNet  and interdisciplinary research program Pan-Eurasian Experiment PEEX. These programs leaders and representatives were invited to participate in the Conference to discuss received results and efforts coordination.

Being run as a set of consecutive thematic sessions devoted to different aspects of the theme, the Conference was facilitated interdisciplinary cooperation between young and prominent researchers thus giving a solid foundation of Earth System study on both regional and global levels. It was brought together the scientific community at large with representatives of national and international scientific organizations, industries and other groups relevant to the Conference. Aimed at one of the Earth System Sciences research priorities, it was engaged the participants in in-depth and forward looking discussions about optimal ways to address scientific research topics and potential areas of cooperation. It was defined future scientific priorities to this end as well as identify research groups and projects for further integration.

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Moscow Center for Basic and Applied Mathematics and Ugra State University.

Working languages at the Conference were English and Russian. During the Conference Sessions simultaneous translation was provided.

One-day trip to Ob river was held to access practical activity of regional environmental bodies.

Sessions and workshops

  1. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
  2. Climate and Weather Modeling. Organizers/chairs Vasily Lykosov (INM RAS) and Mikhail Tolstykh (INM RAS, RF Hydrometeorological Center)
  3. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change. Organizers/chairs Eugeniya Golovatskaya, Anatoly Dyukarev and Vladimir Zuev (IMCES SB RAS)
  4. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Organizers/chairs Vladimir Penenko and Aleksey Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS)
  5. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts. Organizer/chair Reik Donner (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  6. Instrumental and Information and Measuring Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Organizers/chairs Aleksandr Tikhomirov and Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
  7. Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Organizers/chairs Evgeny Gordov (IMCES SB RAS) and Aleksandr Sterin (RIHMI-WDC)
  8. Future Earth Program and Northern Eurasia Future Initiative. Organizers/chairs Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University, USA), Olga Solomina (IG RAS) and Evgeny Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)

Program Committee Co-Chairs:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),


  • WMO Prof. A. Baklanov (WMO),
  • Germany Prof. Reik Donner (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences)
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS V.V. Zuev, Dr.Sci. A.G. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Е.А. Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.N. Krupchatnikov (Siberian Regional Hydrometeorological Research Institute),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. V.A. Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. V.V. Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • Austria Prof. A. Shvidenko (IIASA, Luxemburg, Austria,)
  • Russia Dr.Sci. А.А. Tikhomirov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. M.A. Tolstykh (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia),
  • Russia Dr. V. Kharuk(Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS O.N. Solomina (Institute of Geography RAS)

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),

Organizing Committee:

  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vladimir Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vasily Lykosov (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Mikhail Yudin (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

The twelfth multidisciplinary conference ENVIROMIS-2022 was held in Tomsk from September 12 to 17, 2022. The conference was dedicated to the upcoming 300-th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the 50-th anniversary of the permanent organizer of the ENVIROMIS conference series - the Institute for Monitoring Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. As earlier, the conference comprising elements of Early Career Scientists School was devoted to the state-of-the-art and usage of modern environmental observation techniques, computational and information technologies for assessment, modeling and mitigation of environment variations under natural and anthropogenic pressures including those caused by the Global Climate Change. It was aimed at filling the gap between basic science achievements and their practical applications in this domain. It also addressed a critically important issue – facilitation of professional skill growth of young scientists. To this end, members of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of the Earth's climate and foreign experts was presented invited lectures, that allowed young participants to get first-hand information on hot topics in Earth System Sciences and attract them professionally to this very important research area.

The major focus of the Conference was on environment state and dynamics under Climate Change of Northern Eurasia, particularly Siberia and Arctic. Being the regions where climate variations are most pronounced and whose potential influences on the Earth System dynamics as a whole are of importance, these regions have attracted the attention of a number of researchers and funding organizations. For instance, a number of projects are implemented here within framework of Northern Eurasia Future Initiative (NEFI). There were also initiatives such as Future Earth International program and interdisciplinary research program Pan-Eurasian Experiment PEEX. These programs leaders and representatives were invited to participate in the Conference to discuss received results and efforts coordination.

The conference program, consisting of thematic sections was devoted to various aspects of the environmental studies, was promoted interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists, creating a basis for studying the Earth system at the global and regional levels. The conference, linked to Earth system science research priorities, was provided an opportunity for participants to discuss in depth the best research topics and potential opportunities for collaboration. It was prioritized and identified research groups and projects that can be integrated into new research programs.

The Conference was organized by the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS, G.I.Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS,  Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, MSU Research Computing Center with the assistance of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of the Earth's climate, which coordinates the relevant fundamental and exploratory scientific research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Future Earth and NEFI programs.

The conference was held in person with possibility for hybrid format, joining online and on-site presentations in the conference hall.

Working languages at the Conference were English and Russian. 

During the Conference Sessions simultaneous translation from Russian was provided.


  1. Contribution of the Russian Academy of Sciences and IMCES SB RAS to the development of the Earth sciences in Siberia. Organizer/chair Eugeniya Golovatskaya (IMCES SB RAS)
  2. Monitoring of Climate Changes over Northern Eurasia. Organizer/chair Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
  3. Climate and Weather Modeling. Organizers/chairs Viktor Stepananko (MSU RCC) and Mikhail Tolstykh (INM RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia)
  4. Response of Terrestrial Ecosystems of Northern Eurasia to climate change. Organizers/chairs Eugeniya Golovatskaya and Anatoly Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS)
  5. Processes on the land surface: observations, models and data assimilation. Organizers/chairs Vasily Bogomolov, Egor Dyukarev (IMCES SB RAS), Viktor Stepanenko (MSU RCC)
  6. Air composition, Pollution Transport and Climate Change. Organizers/chairs Alexander Baklanov (WMO), Aleksey Penenko (ICMMG SB RAS)
  7. Extreme Climatic Events, Regional Risks and Socio-economic Impacts. Organizer/chair Reik Donner (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
  8. Instrumental and Information and Measuring Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Organizers/chairs Aleksandr Tikhomirov and Vladimir Krutikov (IMCES SB RAS)
  9. Information Computational Infrastructure of a Regional Environmental Study. Organizers/chairs Evgeny Gordov (IMCES SB RAS) and Aleksandr Sterin (RIHMI-WDC)
  10. Structure and dynamics of geophysical boundary layers. Organizers/Chair Irina A. Repina (IAP RAS), Evgeny V. Mortikov (RCC MSU)
  11. Future Earth Program and Northern Eurasia Future Initiative. Organizers/chairs Pavel Groisman (North Carolina State University, USA), Olga Solomina (IG RAS), Evgeny Gordov (IMCES SB RAS)
  12. Seminar "Development of the national model of the Earth system". Head A.S. Gritsun (INM RAS)

Program Committee Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Program Committee Co-Chair:

  • Russia Dr.Sci. Viktor Stepanenko (MSU Research Computing Center).

Program Committee:

  • WMO Prof. Alexander Baklanov (WMO),
  • Russia Dr. Vasily Bogomolov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Evgeniya Golovatskaya (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NEFI, North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Andrey Gritsun (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS),
  • Germany Prof. Reik Donner (Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences)
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Anatoly Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Egor Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vladimir Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Vladimir Krupchatnikov (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Academician Igor Mokhov (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Alexander Onuchin (Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Alexey Penenko (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS),
  • Russia Prof. Vladimir Podolskiy (Moscow State University, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Irina Repina (A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Olga Solomina (Institute of Geography RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Аlexander Tikhomirov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Mikhail Tolstykh (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia).

Conference Chair:

  • Russia Prof. Evgeny Gordov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS).

Organizing Committee:

  • Russia Dr. Vasily Bogomolov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • USA Dr. Pavel Groisman (NEFI, North Carolina State University),
  • Russia Dr. Egor Dyukarev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Corr. Member of RAS Vladimir Zuev (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr.Sci. Vladimir Krutikov (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Viktor Stepanenko (MSU Research Computing Center),
  • Russia Dr. Sci. Mikhail Tolstykh (Institute for Numerical Mathematics RAS, Hydrometcentre of Russia),
  • Russia Mr. Mikhail Yudin (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Dr. Elena Genina (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS).

Scientific Secretary of the Conference:

  • Russia Mrs. Yulia Gordova (Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological systems SB RAS, Tomsk).

Schedule & reports

Search for reports authors


The International Conference on Environmental Observations, Modeling and Information Systems: ENVIROMIS-2024 was held on July 1-6, 2024 in Tomsk, at the Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems SB RAS in a in-person format.

Reports of leading Russian scientists working abroad were presented online. The total number of those who registered both as speakers and as listeners amounted to 244 people. There were 13 sections at the conference. Two sections (“Carbon in terrestrial ecosystems of Northern Eurasia” and “Machine learning in environmental sciences”) were organized for the first time, reflecting the current challenges of Russian science development. 215 reports were presented in the sections, including 163 oral and 52 poster presentations.

Reports were presented by scientists from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Roshydromet organizations, and leading Russian universities. It is especially necessary to note a significant number of reports made by young scientists.

The conference was attended by scientists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Obninsk, Perm, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, Tyumen, Kazan, Khabarovsk, Pushchino, Nizhnevartovsk, Irkutsk, Voronezh, Dolgoprudny, Magadan, Russian-speaking participants from the USA, Germany, Switzerland. In total 42 Russian and 3 foreign organizations were represented.

The conference website (in the section “Schedule & reports”) contains presentations of the papers whose authors have given their consent.



10/3 Akademichesky Ave., Tomsk, Russia

The organizers

Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) SB RAS
10/3, Academic Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia
[visit site]
Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
8, st. Gubkina, Moscow, 119333, Russia
[visit site]
Research computing center MSU
1, building 4, Leninskie Gory st., Moscow, 119234, Russia
[visit site]
Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
Leninskie Gory st., 1, Moscow, 119234, Russia
[visit site]
Hydrometcenter of Russia
Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, 11-9, Moscow, 123376, Russia
[visit site]
A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS
3, Pyzhevsky lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia
[visit site]


For any questions about participation in the conference, please contact the Organizing committee of the event:

+7 (3822) 492-187
available 09:00 - 17:00 GMT+7
